• Feedback by Galestian

    Get professional feedback on your track.

    Customized Feedback

    Submit your track for a full breakdown of constructive critique from start to finish.


    This includes a full analysis of the track which may include:

    • a breakdown of initial impressions
    • a highlight of your track's strengths and weaknesses
    • a strategy for improving your mixing, songwriting, arrangement, and overall production skills.
    • general feedback or focused critique

    You can use the feedback to improve your current track or apply it to your tracks moving forward.


    If you would like to focus the feedback on specific areas or topics of your choice, please indicate this in your submission.


    • $65 USD for full feedback
    • $35 USD for follow-up feedback on any project.
    The feedback report will be compiled as a PDF file.
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    Top-Rated Producer Feedback from Audiu

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    If you prefer to pay in EUR, make an inquiry for bank transfer information.

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